Recycled Paperboard

Our portfolio of recycled paperboard materials includes PaceSetter Rainier™, PaceSetter™, and Conquest™.  

An ideal solution for a wide variety of folding carton and custom applications, recycled paperboard provides superior package integrity and is designed to deliver outstanding package and packaging line efficiency and performance.  

Made from 100 percent recycled fiber, with a double clay coating applied to its surface, recycled paperboard (also know as coated recycled board or CRB) provides a clean surface for enhanced print finishes and enhancements, as well as outstanding branding opportunities.   

Recycled Paperboard

Product Benefits

Sustainability Benefits
  • Recycled paperboard is made using 100% recycled fiber content (minimum 35% post-consumer) that starts with trees, a renewable resource
  • Paperboard cartons are generally viewed as being widely recycled with >90% of U.S. communities having access to recycling for non-poly-coated paperboard and 60% of communities having access to recycling for poly-coated paperboard (American Forest and Paperboard Association’s Access to Recycling Study 2021)
Operational Efficiency Benefits
Operational Efficiency
  • Carefully monitored board production and testing ensures that our recycled paperboard will run consistently well in all of your printing and converting operations
Brand and Marketing Benefits
Brand & Marketing
  • A double clay coating provides a clean surface for high-quality graphics 
Fiber Procurement and Chain of Custody
  • As part of our sustainability strategy, we are committed to sourcing wood and paperboard material from certified chain of custody and non-controversial sources. All the recycled paperboard that we sell meets the requirements of the Recycled Paperboard Alliance 100% (RPA100), Sustainable Forestry Initiative® Certified Sourcing, and Forest Stewardship Council® Chain of Custody certification programs.  
  • The RPA100 certification program, which is third-party audited, validates that the paperboard is made with 100% recycled fiber. A copy of our current certificates can be found on our website. 


Recycled Paperboard

Ideal for a wide variety of folding carton and custom applications, our portfolio includes PaceSetter Rainer™, PaceSetter™, and Conquest™. 

PaceSetter Rainier™ Recycled Paperboard

PaceSetter Rainier™ is an innovation in recycled paperboard.
With many of the characteristics of bleached paperboard in combination with recycled content, PaceSetter Rainier offers brightness and whiteness that exceeds that of traditional recycled paperboard, enabling it to compete directly with bleached paperboard.

Pacesetter Rainier Coated Recycled Paperboard CRB

PaceSetter™ Recycled Paperboard

PaceSetter™ recycled paperboard is a lightweight sheet designed to suit most consumer product folding carton applications. Made from 100 percent recycled fiber and available in a wide range of grades, PaceSetter provides superior package integrity, excellent print results, and superior carton performance.

PaceSetter Coated Recycled Paperboard CRB

Conquest™ Recycled Paperboard

Conquest™ recycled paperboard is a lightweight sheet suitable for most consumer product folding carton applications. Made from 100 percent recycled fiber and available in a wide range of calipers, Conquest provides superior package integrity, excellent print results, and superior carton performance.

Conquest Coated Recycled Paperboard (CRB)


Packaging Finishes and Enhancements

Cold Foil Printing Effects and Designs
Cold Foil Printing 

A high-speed inline technology that brings advanced metallic effects to life.  

Metallic Packaging Designs and Finishes
Metallic Effects and Designs

Metallic finishing effects on fiber-based packaging create a sense of luxury and elevate the brand image to a premium level.

Achieve brilliance with our printed metal effects.
Printed Metal Effects

Achieve brilliance with our printed metal effects.  

Cast & Cure Effects and Designs 
Cast & Cure Finishing

Create striking holographic effects to create differentiation and impact on the retail shelf.

Tactile Packaging Effects
Tactile Packaging Effects

Engage a consumer’s sense of touch with tactile packaging effects that help to differentiate your product and enhance the consumer’s experience.