Cartoners for Fully Enclosed Packaging

Our line of cartoners is designed to erect and seal fully enclosed cartons. Highly flexible, all machines enable quick changeovers.

Designed to handle a full range of cartons from 1½” to 11” wide x 4¼” to 13” long x 1½” to 7” deep.

Cartoners for Fully Enclosed Packaging

Cartoners Benefits


Reciprocating, rotary or segment wheel feeding for reliable carton staging 

Ease of Adjustment

Servo-controlled for ease of adjustment 


Designed to handle a full range of cartons


Cartoners for Fully Enclosed Packaging Solutions

High-speed, flexible, no-tool changeover cartoners to erect and seal fully enclosed cartons. 

QuikFlex™ CP

QuikFlex™ CP is designed to erect and seal fully enclosed cartons. Supplied in either continuous motion or intermittent motion to suit a variety of applications and line configurations. Highly flexible, enabling quick, tool-free changeovers.

QuikFlex™ CP Cartoning Machine for Fully Enclosed Multipack